12PM Abstract Art Creative Contest with Chris Mariano and Harold Buchholz
No talent or art skills are required for this contest. Just come and create. All Abstract Art Contest entries can be anything and made by anyone. The artist with the most creative piece wins fantastic prizes and the paper Art Championship belt!
1PM Show & Toon: Max Meow with John Gallagher
John Gallagher, the author/artist of the heroically funny graphic novel series from Random House Graphic, Max Meow, teaches you how to draw characters from the hit series. John will discuss the creative process and the journey of Max Meow from first idea to finished book.
2PM Mash-Up Mania with Dawn Griffin
Artists of all ages are welcome to join cartoonist Dawn Griffin for this family fun drawing game of combining ideas.
3PM Draw The Shape, Not The Thing with Nick Davis
The secret to drawing is one simple thing, draw the shape, not draw the thing. Using a series of simple shapes, Nick Davis will show you how to draw Hero Ted, the super-heroic teddy bear who protects naptime from the monsters. You can follow along with Nick with the supplied worksheet, and draw your very own superhero. Best superhero gets the Hero Ted demo art at the end of the session.
4PM Creative Character Design with Professor Bryan Tillman
Do you ever wonder where ideas for characters come from? Does something feel slightly off with your latest character creation? Professor Bryan Tillman will share his insight on how you can make your characters really stand out!
12:30PM The Three Tier Toon with Mark Mariano
What kind of wacky character will be the result of three different artists combining their talents in these Three Tier Toons? We welcome everyone to draw and laugh!
1PM The AaaaWoooooo Werewolf Workshop with Chris Flick
Have a howling good time as cartoonist, Chris Flick, shows you how to draw werewolves of all shapes and sizes.
2PM Draw A Little Dream with Chris Mariano and Todd Webb
Chris Mariano interviews kids and parents about their strangest dreams. Professional artists bring their dreams to life on the drawing board.
3PM Drawing Women of Wonder with Darren Soto
We all know strong women in our lives and in comics. In this session, Darren Soto will go through the fundamentals of drawing dynamic women and bringing more energy to your comic page.







Aside from being an educator, Bryan is the owner and CEO of the Kaiser Studio Productions LLC, a production studio for comics, toys, animation, and games that has been active in the industry for 22 years and has worked for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, Valiant Comics, UpperDeck, Cryptozoic, Rittenhouse, Lucas Films, Cartoon Network, Toys R Us, T.G.I. Fridays, Focal Press, FX, Miramax and Tandem Productions.
Bryan has published three instructional books; Creative Character Design for Focal Press, Creative Design vol. 2 for CRC Press and The 30 Day Pitch Bible for Kaiser Studio Productions and has also created and illustrated a tabletop RPG trading card game, Dark Legacy, which was acquired by UpperDeck.

Todd Webb lives in Virginia Beach with his wife and their cat, where he draws the daily comic strip The Poet.
Besides cartooning, he is fond of the ocean, old monster movies, synthesizers, walking through his neighborhood at night, and the sound of a clicky pen clicking.
He also performs music as Seamonster and Oahu.
If you see him at a convention, he will draw a picture of YOU in CRAYON for ONE DOLLAR – a bargain if ever there was one.
He is always drawing.